MAN 22509 Micro Projects / D.V.Lohar/2020-21


MAN 22509   Micro Projects / D.V.Lohar/2020-21

Deadline for completion: 5/1/2021


Roll No.(0079)

Prepare organization chart of Our Mechanical Dept showing various designations (Ref.our website)


Prepare organization chart of  Service station of two wheeler(Bajaj/Honda/etc) and report of  use of management functions

2,17,32,47, 62

Prepare display chart of safety instructions  in machine shop (workshop ) (card sheet)

3,18,33,48, 63

Prepare display chart of safety instructions  in Welding section (workshop ) (card sheet)

4,19,34,49, 64

Prepare report of  organizing   blood donation camp in our department

5,20,35,50, 65

Prepare report of  organizing   Tree plantation  program in our College

6,21, 36,51, 66

Prepare display chart of  types of accidents with pictures (card sheet)

7, 22, 37, 52, 67

Prepare display chart of  types of communication in controlling function with pictures (card sheet)

8, 23, 38, 53, 68

Prepare report on case study of an accident in press machine shop from news paper /internet

9, 24,39, 54, 69

Prepare report on case study of fire hazards in chemical plant from news paper /internet

10, 25, 40,55,70

Prepare report on case study of  strike of workers in MIDC and prepare report

11, 26, 41, 56,71

Prepare report on role of Owner and Manager, workers  in Service station of  4 wheeler

12, 27,42, 57,72

Prepare report on role of Owner and Manager, workers  in fabrication unit (Tractor trolley/other)

13,28, 43, 58,

Prepare material budget for making 10 window grills of mild steel angles (4ft x 4 ft)

14, 29,44, 59,

Prepare chart showing Lower, Middle and Upper management  in medium scale industry




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