MAN 22509 Micro Projects / D.V.Lohar/2020-21 Deadline for completion: 5/1/2021 Title Roll No.(0079) Prepare organization chart of Our Mechanical Dept showing various designations (Ref.our website) 1,16,31,46,61 Prepare organization chart of Service station of two wheeler(Bajaj/Honda/etc) and report of use of management functions 2,17,32,47, 62 Prepare display chart of safety instructions in machine shop (workshop ) (card sheet) 3,18,33,48, 63 Prepare display chart of safety instructions in Welding section (workshop ) (card sheet) 4,19,34,49, 64 Prepare report of organizing blood donation camp in our department 5,20,35,50, 65 Prepare report of organizing Tree plantation program in our College 6,21, 36,51, 66 Pre...