EME Content Beyond Curriculum Topic: Measurement of diameter of internal groove



Department of Mechanical Engineering

Content Beyond Curriculum

Topic: Measurement of diameter of internal groove

Method used: Self learning under guidance of course teacher


Academic Year 2022-23

Class: SYME

Semester III

Date : 10/09/2022

  Name of Faculty: D.V.Lohar

  Course: Engineering Metrology

Course Outcome: CO1



1.   Objective of Method:

·        To increase Self learning ability of students

·       To understand the concept by observation, recalling and self-thinking

·        To improve involvement  of students.

2.   Topic Covered through Activity:

Use of groove type of vernier caliper

3.   Description of method with Benefits (8 10 lines):

The students are assigned self learning topic and teacher will provide course materials like you tube video links, pdf and student will observe the content seriously. It helps students to learn by observation, note key points write information in specific format for writing presentation.

         Benefits of method:

·         It helps students to think individually about given topic

·         It builds thinking ability of students.

·         It helps to involve students by its own .

·         The activity improves understanding by observation and  self motivated learning

     Roles and Responsibilities


       Assign the topic to the entire class

       Ask them to go through the learning materials

Sealtools: inner Groove caliper


how to use digital inside groove caliper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XipBV6CNXy8

       Provide format to note down observations.


      Understand and note down key points related to topic

       Collect information and write in the given format.

4.    Assessment Tool

Name of Student:_________________________________    Date:___________________

Topic: Measurement of Diameter of internal groove

1. Sketch of Groove Vernier Caliper   (4 marks)






2. Specification: ____________________________________________(2 marks)






3. Procedure in 3-4 lines:                                                                           (2 marks)







4. Practical applications: (2 marks)










Sample sheet

Name of Student:_________________________________    Date:___________________

Topic: Measurement of Diameter of internal groove

1. Sketch of Groove Vernier Caliper   (4 marks)

2. Specification: ____________________________________________(2 marks)

3. Procedure in 3-4 lines:                                                                           (2 marks)

1. Check for zero error

2. Set the jaws to enter  in the grove correctly

3. Lock the setting screw and note readings on main scale and vernier scale

4. If instrument is digital then read directly.

4. Practical applications: (2 marks)

·      Internal caliper gauge to measure internal diameter of cylindrical workpiece and groove diameters.

·      It can measure groove diameter of ” o” ring by modifying spare contact point.

·       Used to check internal groove on the shaft and other hard to reach places.



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