IEQ-22657 Unit 3 Questions as per Bloom's Taxonomy

 Unit 3 Ergonomics  12 marks

CO: Apply ergonomic principles for designing simple mechanical component

Level : Remember

1. Define anthropometry  - 2 Marks

2. Define Ergonomics- 2 Marks

3.List types of display - 2 Marks

Level : Understand

1. Explain Ergonomic considerations applied to types and location of display - 4 Marks

2. State the types and location of display.- 4 Marks

3. Explain the concept of man machine system in ergonomics.-4 Marks

4.State and explain in brief any six ergonomics consideration in design of machine element.-6 marks

Level : Application

1. Apply ergonomics aspect for designing Lever for hand Press Machine- 4 Marks

2. Apply Ergonomic principles for designing Display unit of Reciprocating air Compressor.- 4 Marks

3.Apply principles of Ergonomics for design of control members like push button and knobs. -4 marks


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