EME 22342 Self-learning activity : Topic - CMM
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
Innovative Teaching Method – Self-learning activity
Deadline for Submission:13/12/2022
Academic Year – 2022-23 |
Class: SYME |
Semester – III |
Date : 11/12/2022 |
Name of Faculty: D.V.Lohar |
Course: Engineering Metrology |
Course Outcome: CO6 |
PO: PO1, PO2 |
2. Topic Covered through Activity: Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
3. Description of method with Benefits (8 – 10 lines): In this method students are encouraged to search information of given topic using reference books, text books, E content available on internet.Teacher will guide the students in case of difficulties faced by them.,
4. Method: He/She will collect information and understand the concept, principle, construction and uses of CMM.He/She will prepare one page report in the given format to complete the activity.
5. Roles and Responsibilities: Teacher: Topic assigned is Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) of unit no.6 .
Learning outcome: Understand construction and working of Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
Student: The student should able to prepare assign topic using various learning resources and submit the information as per format.
Every student will write on his/her own (don't Copy others)
6. Assessment Tools & Rubrics: format to write information on one /two pages
Name of Student :__________________________________ Roll No.________________
Title of Topic : Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) Date of submission : _________
Write your answers in simple language using your own words
1. Write the meaning of CMM 1 Mark
2. State the Principle of CMM 2 marks
3. Draw a labelled sketch of Simple CMM 3 marks
4. List basic constructional elements (Components ) of CMM 2 marks
5. Write practical uses or applications of CMM 2 marks
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