IHP 22655 Microprojects list for 2020-21
IHP-22655 /2020-21 Micro projects/D.V.Lohar Sr.No Title of microproject Type Allotted Roll No.of students 1. Prepare chart of ISO/SAE grades of Hydraulic oil with detail specification with stick colour pictures of stickers pasted on pouch/barrel (5 Manufactures of Hydraulic oil) Size: Half imperial sheet Internet 1,36 2 Prepare model of External gear pump showing constructional elements using waste card board (Thick Cover of Note book) Size of model: 40cmX 40 Cm Laborotary 2,37 3 Prepare layout of Oil hydraulic system using waste material a. Small plastic box- reservoir b. Small bottle- Pump and motor c. Sanitizer empty bottle with cap – PRV d. Waste refill/RO filter pipes- pipe lines and fittings e. waste plastic box – DC valve f. Empty injection/ cylinder shaped bottle with cap, ball pen r...